Spring Term

Spring Term


想象一下,与你的同学和教授一起深入探索一个主题.  That’s the essence of  Spring Term. 学生可以从大约200门课程中选择一门,这些课程可能在美国进行.S. or abroad. 学生们在他们的春季学期经历之后这样说并不罕见, “This course changed my life.”

课程被设计成具有变革性的学习体验,比如在意大利学习烹饪科学,在D .学习城市生态学.C. 音乐的物理学、数学和历史的密码破译、幽默的心理学、干细胞的争论等等, many more. 教授们喜欢教授春季学期的课程,因为有机会让学生接触到新的视角. 学生们喜欢春季学期,因为有机会做一些他们以前可能从未做过的事情.

Sample Courses


BIOL 160


Appropriate for non-science majors, 本实验课程是法医科学领域的入门课程,重点是物理, chemical, and biological basis of crime scene evidence. A particular emphasis is on the analysis of trace physical (e.g., glass, soil, fiber, ballistics) and biological (e.g., hair, blood, DNA) evidence and forensic toxicology (e.g., drugs, alcohol, poisons). 本课程的实验室部分提供了“动手”的机会来分析收集的犯罪现场样本,并利用一些常用的法医实验室技术,如显微镜, chromatography, and spectroscopy. 本课程还介绍了与收集和分析犯罪现场证据相关的一些法律问题.

BUS 390

Social Innovation in Scandinavia

An introduction to the business, history, and culture behind the sustainability initiative in Scandinavia. 它从理论和实践的角度审视了社会创新为何以及如何在斯堪的纳维亚蓬勃发展. 这门课程探讨了解决气候变化等紧迫问题的各种方法, immigration, and economic and gender equality. 本学期的前三周在国外度过,最后一周回到校园.

EALL 175

Cool Japan: Anime, Manga, Robots, Language, and Culture

Taught in English, this course examines a variety of visual artifacts such as manga, anime, and unique social phenomena, observable in current Japan through reading materials and discussions, to understand Japanese culture and society. 学生学习视觉上优美的日文书写系统和拟声词, which is used extensively in Japanese manga. Through hands-on experiences, 学生对日本的文化和社会有更深入的了解和多元文化的视角.

ENGL 307

Fresh/Local/Wild: The Poetics of Food

This class visits fresh/local/wild food venues each week, where sensory explorations focus on all aspects of foraging, creating, adapting and eating food. 课程作业包括在野外和课堂上以食物景观/地理为基础的指导写作练习, with in-depth readings that help us turn topics like food politics, food insecurity, sustainable agriculture and genetically modified foods into poetry. 每个学期的手工诗集都是最后的成品. 服务学习部分也包括在校园厨房课程中.

GEOL 105

Geology of Hawai'i

在夏威夷教授的地球科学和夏威夷群岛地质的入门研究, 提供了一个无与伦比的机会来观察各种各样的地质过程. 本课程需要与教师密切互动,并在学期中与学生进行深入学习.

POL 290

Dystopian Fiction, Horror, and Politics

对反乌托邦小说、恐怖小说和电影中政治评论的考查. Through the analysis of seminal novels such as 1984 and Brave New World, and more recent films, students assess different political concepts, including power, government, freedom, and equality. 文学和电影可以为我们现在和未来的世界提供最迷人但又最可怕的描绘. At the same time, 它们可以为我们提供机会,批判性地将我们的当代经历与书中所描绘的进行比较.

What will you learn?



Taking Account of Sustainability Efforts


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Rock Stars

After 25 years, W&L faculty member Chris Connors teaches his swan song Spring Term class, Field Methods and Regional Geology of the Appalachians.

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"Statistics in Korean Music" Spring Term Abroad course explores Seoul, South Korea

Spring Term’s Got Seoul


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W&L’s Annual Spring Term Showcase to be Held May 24 in University Library


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A Broader Perspective


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Meet Emma Scott ‘26


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Meet Emma Conover ’24

Leading Campus Kitchen, a student-run organization focused on addressing food insecurity, has been a rewarding experience.

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Swedish Theater 4x5 Shawn Paul Evans Spring Term

Live from Sweden

W&今年春季学期“瑞典戏剧”课程的学生在斯德哥尔摩度过了三周的时间,沉浸在文化中, Sweden.

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‘Democracy Is Worth Defending’


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Class of 2023 Cert of International Immersion recipients

The Road Less Traveled

太阳城集团和李的2023届学生中有9人获得了W&L’s Center for International Education.

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Students work on an ecological model.

A Model of Possibility

生物学教授Robert Humston的春季学期课程将深入探讨环境问题.

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History of Ghosts Payne Hall

Haunted History


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